World leader for gas analyser

Brigon Germany CO2 & O2 Indicators (Fyrite Analysers)

We are an excellent company who is Brigon Fyrite Kit Supplier in India since 2005 we are the authorised Channel Partner of Brigon-Germany Products. We are the supplier of Brigon Indicators in India. We have been dealing in Brigon – Germany products for the last about 10 years, Brigon – Germany products are made according to the international standards, which is passed by all high quality testing procedure. 

Our organisation has been dealing in fyrite kits (Brigon- Germnay CO2-O2 Indicators) for the last many years, we are very happy to give our products to our customers. The fyrite kit works perfectly for about 10 years we hope that we will be able to help you find a good product.  KG Medical Industries is Fyrite Kit Supplier in India as well as does all its servicing and maintenance work.


We are authorised Channel Partner of Brigon Fyrite Kit Supplier in India

We KG Medical Industries India is Brigon Fyrite Kit Supplier in India Delhi. Brigon is a German based company who is manufacturer of Brigon Indicators (Fyrite Kits) since long times. We have been selling this company’s indicator from several years. We have been sold more than 2000 plus Indicators till date. We are exclusive Brigon Fyrite Kit Supplier in India.

Brigon CO2 Fyrite Kit 0-60%


If you have any Question or enquiry related to the product, please let us know.